
Showing posts from March, 2020

To begin at the beginning

To begin at the beginning... During this time of crisis it occurred to me that it might be of interest to continue the Bible studies I had been leading during Lent.  These focussed on the historical context of some of the Psalms, and how this can help our understanding and appreciation of them. You will need a Bible although, as I always say, having two or more translations in front of you generally helps! Psalm 2 This falls within the category of 'Royal' psalms, and is regarded as a song at a coronation. While the language may seem to indicate a specific historical context, many scholars see it as having a general use.  It is divided into four sung 'verses', each of three Biblical verses. Verses 1 - 3 The world is constantly in rebellion against God, and therefore against the newly anointed king.  It is the king's task to bring them to order, and to restore the bonds that have previously (in theory) held them in obedience.  This is a general warning to